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Two Compassion Point Award Winners From Our Home Health & Hospice Teams

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

Freudenthal is well known for it's first-class care because of our wonderful team members. Here are two award winning examples of that care. Today The Compassion Point awarded Dr. Robert Knowles, DPT and Maleah Lankford with their Summer Caregiver Awards for Home Health and Hospice based on their outstanding dedication to delivering the very best care.

Congratulations Maleah & Robert!

You truly model what it means to deliver care with


"Robert, or Bobby as we call him in the office, is a one-of-a-kind therapist. It is not only his knowledge base and skill level that contribute to the quality of care that he is able to provide, but his own personal challenges throughout his life that have created such a passion to heal his patients. Bobby suffers from neurofibromatosis. This is a disorder that causes tumors to form on nerve tissue and can cause significant discomfort for those that are dealing with it. Throughout the time that I have known Bobby, if he did not talk openly about his issues, you would not know the struggles that dealing with his medical condition have caused him at times. His strength and the compassion it creates for others is truly what makes him stand out as a physical therapist. I have had the pleasure of being a patient of his for a brief moment after a recent hip replacement surgery and can speak from experience as both his employer as well as his patient."

"Maleah is a ray of sunshine to all who have the pleasure of her presence. She is always creative, kind, informative and supportive of her team. She is willing to step outside her role and assist wherever she is needed. She has been seen frequently in the community and with our hospice patients going above and beyond making someone in elderly community feel extra special and valued. She has a way of engaging that makes a person regardless of the conversation feel like they are the most important person person in the world to her in those moments. She works endlessly to better the day to day life for the elderly population giving them meaning and a purpose. Maleah is invaluable to the hospice team and those she serves."

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